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Thangka are sacred Tibetan Buddhist icons, created to support practitioners in meditations. The icons follow rules of proportions, shapes and colors, as so to the symbols, mudras and asanas. They are mostly done on white canvas, with natural pigments. Today is very usual to use acrylics colors, as well as for the wall paintings.

Vajrasatva. 2006

Vajrasatva, close. 2006

Tara Verde, 2007

Chenrezig, India, 2005

Chenrezig, India, 2005

Chenrezig, India, 2005

Chenrezig, MG, 2007

Vajrayogini, 2010

Vajrasatva, 2009

Machig Labdron, 2008

Sakyamuni Buda, India, 2005

Sakyamuni Buda, India, 2006

Sakyamuni Buda, 2007

Samantabhadra, 2009

Guardiao, 2006

Guardiao, 2006

Guardiao, 2006

Guardiao, 2006



MG, Tiffani e Arion. 2007

Facebook - Untitled

Namgyalma, India, 2004
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