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Atelier YabYum

Art Retreats - Brazil

atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil
atelier yabyum Brasil

The Atelier YabYum was founded by Tiffani Gyatso and her life partner Ahanti as a sacred space for art retreats. It is on the top hill of a wonderful mountain just 120km from São Paulo city, Brazil.

YabYum means in tibetan male and female, thought as creativity that rises like a spark of friction and is born from the union of spirit and matter.

We host workshops and art retreats of all kinds of arts that awakens consciousness: many forms of painting, dancing, sculpting, writing, contemplating and sharing. Focused also to be a reference of Tibetan Thangka Painting and Sacred Geometry studies. 

We accept artists in residence all case by case. We invite brazilians and international teachers to teach. International events will be published in this website, otherwise updates only in the portuguese version.

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Tiffani Gyatso
Atelier YabYum
Extrema, MG


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